Yeezy 350
Rep Sneaker is the best online rep sneaker marketplace from Putian city China, buy and sell 1:1 copy Yeezy 350 sneakers and shoes for men or women, Online shopping the latest reps Yeezy 350 shoes at cheap price, you can find thousands of reliable rep sneaker sellers and millions of reps sneakers on, shop now!
Kanye West and Adidas collaborated to create the ultra-popular Yeezy 350. It features a new Primeknit design for enhanced breathability with Primeknit materials and ultimate comfort with the midsole cushioning and translucent side strap for ultimate style and comfort.
A sleek, elegant pair of sneakers, these sneakers are stylish and timeless. With the elastic construction, you get an effortless fit (and slip them on like a dream), and they’re roomy enough for all-day wear. Your lace-ups will look great without compromising style. The most exclusive and current color combinations are available to match your outfit.
With its design minimizing pain and allowing you to concentrate on reaching your goal, the Adidas Yeezy 350 is ideal for runners and joggers. Due to their high-quality materials, they are also suitable for everyday use. With the shoes selling out in a matter of minutes, grab your pair today to be part of this “decade-defining” lineup.
One of the most iconic silhouettes of the entire Yeezy collection, the Yeezy 350 is the first ever sneaker collab between Yeezy and adidas back in 2015. A variety of colourways and iterations of the Yeezy 350 have since been released. Now you can buy and sell Yeezy 350’s at the best price on KLEKT.
What is the fit of Yeezy 350s?
For the most part, the Yeezy 350s fit true to size. Because the sneaker has a Boost midsole, it is recommended that you go up half a size if you have wide feet.
The Yeezy 350 v2 runs slightly small, however, so it’s recommended to go a half size up from your usual size.
Yeezy 350 v2s: what are they?
A few key design changes have been made to the original Yeezy 350 v2.There is a stripe down the center of the sneaker with the “SPLY-350” branding.
Turtle Dove was the first 350 colourway to release in the Yeezy line in 2015. In 2016, the first Yeezy 350 v2 was released in colourways such as Pirate Black and Moonrock.
On the upper, the v2 has a slightly different construction with different materials. In 2016, the OG Beluga colourway of the Yeezy 350 v2 hit the shelves.
Is Adidas still making Yeezy 350s?
It is rumored that new Yeezy 350s will be released in the near future, as well as reissues of existing silhouettes.
How do Yeezy 350s work?
Kanye West and Adidas designed the Yeezy 350 as a low-top lifestyle sneaker.The upper of the sneaker is made of Adidas’ Primeknit material, while the outsole is made of high-traction rubber.
See our Yeezy 350 size guide for more information.
KLEKT is the place to get the latest Yeezy 350s.
In 2022, new pairs of the Yeezy 350 v2 have been released consistently.